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Issue 2

Chibi Usa’s sickly friend Hotaru isn’t just Sailor Saturn, Deity of Destruction. She’s also possessed by Master Pharaoh 90. Facing this cataclysmic power will be impossible – unless Sailor Moon can unite the powers of every Guardian of the Solar System. Then, when the moon eclipses the sun, a mystical unicorn begs for help. An elaborate ship floats through the sky, and Usagi and Chibi-Usa have trouble seeing eye to eye….

  1. Paperback: 232 pages

  2. Publisher: Kodansha Comics (Oct. 30 2012)

  3. Language: English

  4. ISBN-10: 1612620043

  5. ISBN-13: 978-1612620046

  6. Product Dimensions: 12.7 x 1.5 x 19.1 cm

  7. Shipping Weight: 200 g

  8. Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars 


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